马革裹尸的意思用马皮包裹尸体指军人战死沙场英be wrapped in a horse's hide;death under shield;die on the battlefield
自相矛盾的意思典出《韩非子》某人卖矛又卖盾,说他的矛和盾都是最好的当问及“用你的矛刺你的盾如何”时,此人无以对答。后因以形容行事或言语前后不统一例明显的自相矛盾英paradox;a self-contradictory;be mutually conflicting不连贯的性格或心情例随着他越来越自相矛盾斯
掩耳盗铃的意思把耳朵捂住去偷铃铛。比喻欺骗不了别人只能欺骗自己例今若宿驿,正犹掩耳盗铃也。——明赵弼《钟离叟妪传》英plug one's ears while stealing a bell;deceive oneself as an ostrich that buries its head in the sand
邯郸学步的意思比喻一味模仿别人非但没有学到别人的长处反倒失去了自身的特色英imitate others slavishly and thus lose one's individuality也作“学步邯郸”
守株待兔的意思比喻死守经验不知变通。亦用以讽刺妄想不劳而获的侥幸心理英stand by a stump waiting for more hares to come and clash themselves against it—trust to chance and windfalls
滥竽充数的意思不会吹竽的人混在吹竽的乐队里充数(故事见《韩非子内储说上》)。比喻没有真才实学的人混在行家里面充数或是以次货充好货。也用作自谦之词英pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble;hold a post without adequate qualifications; simply to ma