cramped 是什么意思
adj. 狭窄的;难懂的;难辨的
cramped 权威例句
- 1. He is cooped up in a cramped cell with 10 other inmates.
- 他和其他10名犯人被囚禁在一间狭窄的牢房里。
- 2. The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence.
- 房子十分狭小拥挤,但经纪人却把它说成是小巧别致的住宅。
- 3. working in cramped conditions
- 在拥挤的环境里工作
- 4. I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.
- 我在楼道里走来走去以舒展我痉挛的肌肉.
- 5. He cooked for himself in the cramped kitchen.
- 他在狭窄的小厨房里为自己做饭烧菜.
cramped 造句
- 1. Her education was cramped by her lack of money.
- 她因缺钱而无法深造。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 2. They cramped the livestock in the ancient barns.
- 他们把牲畜关在老谷仓里。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 3. Somehow, Taylor is not cramped by his environments.
- 不知为什么泰勒没受环境束缚。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 4. His energy were cramped by his surroundings.
- 他的能力被环境所阻碍。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 5. Byron was back aboard the cramped Devilfish.
- 拜伦又回到了狭窄的“乌贼号”上。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 6. Her many gifts were cramped in this little Canadian village.
- 她的许多才能都在这加拿大的小村镇里给埋没掉了。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 7. I feel cramped by the limitations of my job.
- 我觉得受工作束缚, 没有什麽奔头儿.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 8. The two of us were cramped in the telephone booth.
- 我们俩挤在电话亭里。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 9. In the Middle Ages,science was cramped by ignorance and superstition.
- 中世纪时,科学的发展受到无知和迷信的束缚。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 10. His work was cramped by the very short time he could spend on it.
- 因为他只能以很短的时间用于他的工作上,使得他的工作受到限制。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句