immobilize 是什么意思
vt. 使固定;使不动;使停止流通
immobilize (v.)1843, from immobile + -ize. Perhaps modeled on French immobiliser (1835). Related: Immobilized; immobilizing.
immobilize 权威例句
- 1. a device to immobilize the car engine in case of theft
- 遇到有人盗车时使汽车引擎发动不了的装置
- 2. Thus there is a greater calcium need to immobilize the oxalate.
- 因而需要较大量钙去固定草酸.
- 3. This plog, I should have known, would not long immobilize the steamroller.
- 我应当懂得, 这样的调皮话, 是不会使他们长时间撒手不去干他们硬要干的事的.
- 4. From this position, I know 1 1 ways I can totally immobilize you.
- 就这个位置, 我知道11种方法能打晕你.
- 5. Shaman : Earthbind Totem will now immobilize all Rogues in the same zone.
- 萨满: 地缚图腾将对所有该地图内的盗贼起定身作用.
immobilize 造句
- 1. Do not attempt to pull out the object, rather immobilize the dogs muzzle using a strip of cloth or a muzzle.
- 不要试图把东西拉出来,而是用一条布或口罩将狗狗的口鼻固定住。
- 2. It has been a metaphor for me in my adult years. Why wait to dance? Why let fear immobilize me? Why not act on intention, on desire?
- 在我成人以后,这一直都是我的一个隐喻。为什么跳舞前要等呢?为什么畏惧使我无法移动?为什么不依照意愿和愿望而行动?
- 3. And who knew that researchers immobilize subjects in a lab, hook them up to a brain scanner, and then instruct them to engage in sexual activity?
- 谁又会知道,研究人员会把研究对象固定在实验室里,给他们戴上大脑扫描仪,并指导他们进行鱼水之欢?
- 4. Why let fear immobilize me?
- 为什么畏惧使我无法移动?
- 5. Sea snakes prey on small marine animals, and the powerful toxins in the venom quickly immobilize the prey before it can swim off.
- 海蛇经常捕捉小型水生动物,他们毒液中强有力的毒素会迅速使猎物在游走前丧失移动能力。
- 6. Immobilize the dog and take them to a vet immediately.
- 将狗狗固定住并立即去见兽医。
- 7. After conducting tests, the military has decided to use the thumb-sized "bhut jolokia," or "ghost chili," to make -like hand grenades to immobilize suspects, defense officials said Tuesday.
- 印度防务官员于本周二称,在经过多番测试后,印度军方决定使用这种拇指大小的“鬼椒”来制造具有催泪瓦斯功效的手榴弹,以制服恐怖主义嫌疑分子。
- 8. When the vehicle began to move, and with reports that he had hand grenades, a decision was made to immobilize the vehicle as it would have made the situation even more dangerous.
- 汽车开始发动,而且据称劫持者有手雷,所以制止汽车移动是必须的,否则形势将更加危险。
- 9. Seven years later, through his work with Harold Eugene Edgerton of MIT, he made several photographic experiences of capturing sequences of actions using photoflash to immobilize the scene.
- 7年以后,通过与麻省理工学院HaroldEugeneEdgerton的合作,他进行了几次摄影的尝试,捕捉一系列运动的场景通过闪光灯来使画面固定。
- 10. Rolledsplints: When using rolled splints, ensure you immobilize the joints above and below the injured region, and then secure with an elastic bandage.
- 卷式夹板:用夹板固定伤者伤处时,夹板两端需超过伤患受伤的部分的关节两边,同时用弹性绷带进行固定。
- 11. The whole community was on high alert. Police and animal -rights activists were out in force , anxious to immobilize the tiger before it turned hungry.
- 整个地区都在加紧戒备,警务人员和保护动物权益人士都全力出动,急着要在老虎饥饿之前制服它。
- 12. And as in natural immunity should the disease-causing agent ever invade the immune system is fully primed ready to pump out antibodies to immobilize it.
- 当下回再有同样的病原入侵时,已经整装待发的免疫系统就可迅速释出大量抗体,制伏入侵病原,一如自然免疫的反应。
- 13. Its bite delivers a powerful poison to further immobilize its victim.
- 咬住猎物时,它会放出一种强力毒素,进一步麻木猎物。
- 14. The feasibility of using protein A to immobilize antibody on the silicon surface of the imaging ellipsometry biosensor was investigated in this study.
- 研究了在硅片表面上通过A蛋白定向固定抗体分子用于椭偏光学生物传感器免疫检测的可能性。
- 15. Sling:Use to immobilize broken bones, or use as an ordinary bandage.
- 三角巾:可以固定骨折部位,也可以当做绷带使用。
- 16. The alcoholic continuous fermentation using starchiness materials as saccharifying fermented materials to immobilize glucoamglase preparation and yeasts by alginate jell was studied.
- 用海藻酸盐凝胶固定化葡萄糖淀粉酶制剂和活性干酵母进行淀粉质原料糖化醪的酒精连续发酵研究 。
- 17. Glyph of Hamstring - Gives your Hamstring ability a chance to immobilize the target.
- 断筋铭文-断筋后有一定几率让目标无法移动。
- 18. The sol-gel film can not only immobilize SOD efficiently, but also maintain its reactivity well.
- 溶胶-凝胶不仅能有效地固定酶,而且能很好地保持其活性。
- 19. Wrestling is a sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling.
- 摔跤是一项体育运动,其中两名对手通过格斗试图把对方扔出去或摔倒对方。
- 20. Methods To immobilize the cells by polyaminoresin foam as support materials, and determine the effects of different factors.
- 方法以聚胺酯泡沫为固定化材料,考察各种因素对固定化银杏细胞培养的影响。
- 21. A kind of porous polyamide carriers to immobilize anaerobic microorganisms was prepared by interfacial polymerization method.
- 采用界面聚合方法制备出固定化厌氧微生物多孔囊状聚酰胺载体。
- 22. The carrier of pink diatomite (6201), a kind of inorganic materials, was used to immobilize penicillin amidase.
- 以无机材料6201型担体作载体,进行青霉素酰化酶固定化的研究。
- 23. Ganoderma lucidum vinegar beverage was fermented by adding proper alcohol into Ganoderma lucidum liquid to immobilize Acetobacter spp.
- 以灵芝培养液为主要基质,添加适量酒精以固定化醋酸菌发酵灵芝醋酸饮料。
- 24. Sodium alginate and polyvinyl alcohol were used as the carriers to immobilize cells.
- 本文以海藻酸钠、聚乙烯醇为材料包埋固定化细胞。
- 25. Sodium alginate and polyvinyl alcohol were used as the carriers to immobilize cells.
- 本文以海藻酸钠、聚乙烯醇为材料包埋固定化细胞。