brainstorm 是什么意思
n. 集思广益;头脑风暴;灵机一动
brainstorm (n.)"brilliant idea, mental excitement, fit of mental application," 1849, from brain (n.) + figurative use of storm (n.). As a verb, recorded from 1920s. Related: Brainstormed; brainst
brainstorm 权威例句
- 1. I can have a brainstorm and be very extravagant.
- 我有时会头脑发热,挥霍无度。
- 2. "Look," she said, getting a brainstorm, "Why don't you invite them here?"
- “对了,”她灵机一动说道,“你干吗不请他们到这儿来?”
- 3. She had a brainstorm in the exam and didn't answer a single question.
- 她考试时脑子里突然一片混乱,一个题也没答。
- 4. We can brainstorm a list of the most influential individuals in the company.
- 我们可以集体讨论,列出该公司中最有影响的人员的名单。
- 5. The women meet twice a month to brainstorm and set business goals for each other.
- 她们每个月聚会两次,在一起出谋献策,为各自制定生意目标。
brainstorm 造句
- 1. Brainstorm with your teammates and cohorts on all the possible ways to contact and interact with your clients.
- 和您的队友及同伴集体讨论与客户联系交互的所有可能的方法。
- 2. Once you have identified some, brainstorm as to ways that you could help them with these problems through your blog posts.
- 一旦你确定了一些问题,通过头脑风暴的办法来利用你的博客文章帮助他们解决问题。
- 3. While some of the greatest ideas and solutions come up in brainstorm meetings, we also lose most of our time in discussion without action.
- 当在头脑风暴的会议上有一些顶级的主意或者解决方法提出时,我们也浪费了很多时间在没有行动的讨论上。
- 4. We really think it is a huge opportunity to brainstorm.
- 我们确实认为集思广益是个巨大的机会。
- 5. Activities are the place where you can introduce new projects, track a to-do list, brainstorm new solutions, and more.
- 在活动中,您可以引入新的项目、跟踪任务列表、集体讨论新的解决方案以及更多活动。
- 6. Afterwards, I’m usually doing one of three things: building a prototype, preparing for a study, or running brainstorm and design sessions.
- 接下来我一般会做下面三件事之一:写范本、筹办学习或者召开头脑风暴和设计研讨会。
- 7. If a worrisome thought comes into your mind, just say to yourself “I’ll worry about this at 7 p.m.”Also, during your “worry time, ” brainstorm some ways you can fix your concerns.
- 如果你突然担心一件事情,请对自己说:“我会在晚上7点再考虑这件事。”同时,在你的“忧虑时间”里,头脑风暴有时候可以改善你的顾虑。
- 8. Brainstorm a bunch of ideas for getting there, a bunch of actions you can take to move yourself closer to your destination.
- 为了成功需要集思广益,这样你可采取一系列可靠的行动方案来使自己与成功的距离更接近。
- 9. "There was a brainstorm on how China can grow their imports, " Swenson said.
- “关于如何发展中国的进口的问题,可以说是集思广益”斯文森说。
- 10. Old readers will notice that I’ve added a new banner to my sidebar – I’m very proud to have been invited into a blogazine with some very prestigious bloggers: The Daily Brainstorm!
- 老读者会注意到我在侧边栏加入了一个新的标题――我很荣幸的被邀请加入一个非常有名的博客群:每日头脑风暴!
- 11. Brainstorm with a supportive team, and always come up with a positive plan for forward movement.
- 与支持你的团队进行头脑风暴,并且为下一步该如何做拟出一个计划。
- 12. Brainstorm idea: Pay them to come here.
- 头脑风暴主意:给他们钱让他们来。
- 13. If your organization is not holding frequent brainstorm sessions to find creative solutions then you are not wasting time on new ideas.
- 如果你的组织不频繁的进行头脑风暴会话去探索创新型的解决方案的话,你就不必在新想法上浪费时间。
- 14. It features soft seating, "brainstorm islands, " a digital bulletin board and group event space.
- 它里面包括沙发坐、“头脑风暴岛”、一个电子公告栏以及一组活动空间。
- 15. Below you will find a brief discussion of what brainstorming is, why you might brainstorm, and suggestions for how you might brainstorm.
- 下面你将看到什么是头脑风暴,为什么需要头脑风暴,以及怎样形成头脑风暴的简短讨论。
- 16. If you have specific subjects you are interested in, you might want to brainstorm about each of them.
- 如果你对具体主题感兴趣,你可以对这些主题挨个进行头脑风暴。
- 17. Brainstorm ideas for the script.
- 开动脑筋,为剧本想些点子。
- 18. Then try to brainstorm as many answers as possible for the second blank, writing them down as you come up with them.
- 然后努力使用头脑风暴,回答尽可能多的问题,填在第二个空格中。
- 19. We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas for a new marketing slogan for a new product.
- 我们需要坐下来一起集思广益,为新产品设计一个好的营销口号。
- 20. Your first step is to brainstorm by making the lists as long a possible.
- 你的第一步是去做大脑风暴,把你的单子尽可能多地列出来。
- 21. You might be able to brainstorm ideas rather than write a list, or do some research on the computer rather than writing in a textbook.
- 与其列下条条框框,不如集思广益。 与其在电脑上做研究不如在课本上书写。
- 22. If parents come prepared to be open, they can brainstorm options until they find a solution that works for everyone, especially their children.
- 如果父母开明,他们会头脑风暴找到最好的解决方案,尤其是对孩子。
- 23. They needed to raise $25, 000 and brainstorm ideas about how to make this happen within 2 years.
- 他们需要提高人们对如何实现这一目标在2年内25000元及集思广益。
- 24. They needed to raise $25, 000 and brainstorm ideas about how to make this happen within 2 years.
- 他们需要提高人们对如何实现这一目标在2年内25000元及集思广益。