craftspeople 是什么意思
n. 手艺人;工匠
craftspeople 权威例句
- 1. These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople.
- 这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并彩绘的。
- 2. His father is a highly skilled craftspeople.
- 他父亲是个技艺高超的手艺人。
- 3. Top industry craftspeople have assembled the basic tools needed to learn the craft of stained glass.
- 热门行业的手工艺人聚集需要学习的彩色玻璃工艺的基本工具.
- 4. Inevitably, under such a system, there will be craftspeople working for very little money, she says.
- 不可避免的是, 在这样的体制下, 有些艺人的劳作只能换取微薄的收入, 她说.
- 5. A long , loose outer garment, as that worn by artists and craftspeople ; a smock.
- (英国)脏活时穿在普通衣服外的一种宽松的保护性工作服.
craftspeople 造句
- 1. Within the city lived administrators, craftspeople, and merchants.
- 城市里住着行政官员、工匠和商人们。
- 2. Within the productive sector, there was a growth of a variety of specialist craftspeople.
- 在生产部门,各种专业工匠都在增多。
- 3. His father is a highly skilled craftspeople.
- 他父亲是个技艺高超的手艺人。
- 4. But the skills of the painters and craftspeople have been lost.
- 但已经失去的画家和工匠的技能。
- 5. Top industry craftspeople have assembled the basic tools needed to learn the craft of stained glass.
- 热门行业的手工艺人聚集需要学习的彩色玻璃工艺的基本工具。
- 6. Inevitably, under such a system, there will be craftspeople working for very little money, she says.
- 不可避免的是,在这样的体制下,有些艺人的劳作只能换取微薄的收入,她说。
- 7. These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople.
- 这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并彩绘的。
- 8. He says the law will wreck the national brand, which has long been built on the skill of its craftspeople.
- 他说这项法律将会毁掉那些长期依靠其高超手工艺水平的国际品牌。
- 9. Some of the pieces go through nine different processes, several firings and require highly skilled craftspeople at each stage.
- 有些组件要经历九道不同工序,数次烧制,并且每个阶段都需要技艺高超的工匠。
- 10. Not one of the thousands of craftspeople, retailers and small manufacturers the law has sent reeling was permitted to testify.
- 并非所有的手工艺,零售商和法律缫丝派出数以千计的小型制造商之一是允许作证。
- 11. Generally, masonry costs more and requires trained craftspeople to build, but the benefits include longer life and added prestige.
- 一般来说,砖石,需要花费更多受过训练的工匠建造的,但收益包括更长的使用寿命和更高的声誉。
- 12. The artists and craftspeople who made the medals say that the winners will take a special piece of Canada with them when the Games are over.
- 制作这些奖牌的艺术家和工匠们都表示获胜者会在运动会结束之后带着这件特殊的加拿大礼物返程。
- 13. The Museum will exhibit, interpret, preserve, collect, and promote works of proven cultural value as well as new works by emerging artists and craftspeople.
- 博物馆将会展出,阐述,收集和推广那些已被普遍承认其文化价值的作品,同时也会推广来自新锐艺术家和工匠的最新作品。
- 14. The main cutting tools are simple: paper and scissors or an engraving knife, but clever and deft craftspeople are remarkably good at cutting in the theme of daily life.
- 剪纸的主要工具很简单:纸和剪刀或刻刀,但心灵手巧的工匠非常善于在日常生活的主题切割。
- 15. Even where it may be expected for a local to negotiate aggressively, similar behavior from outsiders could significantly affect the livelihood of craftspeople and vendors.
- 即使它可能会为当地积极谈判的预期,从局外人的类似行为,可以显着影响的手工艺者和供应商的生计。
- 16. Even where it may be expected for a local to negotiate aggressively, similar behavior from outsiders could significantly affect the livelihood of craftspeople and vendors.
- 即使它可能会为当地积极谈判的预期,从局外人的类似行为,可以显着影响的手工艺者和供应商的生计。
- 17. A long, loose outer garment, as that worn by artists and craftspeople; a smock.
- 斗篷艺术家或工匠常穿的长而肥大的罩衣;工作服
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 18. Inevitably, under such a system, there will be craftspeople working for very little money, she says.
- 不可避免的是,在这样的体制下,有些艺人的劳作只能换取微薄的收入,她说。
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 19. pay extra for the jewelry, sweaters, and handbags turned out by the dwindling breeds of modern-day craftspeople
- 当我们开始崇尚“手工制作”这一标志的时候,当我们为那些日益减少的现代时期的手工者制作的珠宝,毛衣和手袋而支付额外的买金的时候,我们就开始认可那个观点了。
-- 来源 --