vagrancy 是什么意思
n. 流浪;漂泊;思想游移不定
vagrancy (n.)"life of idle begging," 1706, from vagrant + -cy. Earlier in a figurative sense, "mental wandering" (1640s). By late 18c. used in law as a catch-all for miscellaneous petty offenses against public order.
vagrancy 权威例句
- 1. The tramp was arrested for vagrancy.
- 这个流浪汉因流浪而被捕.
- 2. Vagrancy and begging has become commonplace in London.
- 流浪和乞讨在伦敦已变得很常见。
- 3. Strangers are picked up for vagrancy after three days.
- 外地人来此超过三天的一律以流浪罪加以拘捕.
- 4. Chambliss. " A Sociological Analysis of the Law of Vagrancy . "
- 流浪者法律之社会学分析 〉.
- 5. And meanwhile the quite obvious cause of vagrancy the face.
- 同时,流浪的十分明显的理由却近在眼前.
vagrancy 造句
- 1. Vagrancy and begging has become commonplace in the city.
- 流浪和乞讨在这个城市里已变得很常见。
- 2. He is charged with vagrancy.
- 他曾被指控做流浪者。
- 3. The tramp was arrested for vagrancy.
- 这个流浪汉因流浪而被捕。
- 4. To bewitch you for lifelong vagrancy.
- 令你一生痴迷一生流浪。
- 5. Sometimes , perhaps vagrancy has become a habit.
- 有的时候,或许流浪已经成为一种习惯。
- 6. Two men were arrested and charged with vagrancy.
- 有两个人被指控犯有流浪罪而遭逮捕。
- 7. Vagrancy and begging has become commonplace in London.
- 流浪和乞讨在伦敦已变得很常见。
- 8. Strangers are picked up for vagrancy after three days.
- 外地人来此超过三天的一律以流浪罪加以拘捕。
- 9. Charges of vagrancy were lodged against the transcient.
- 这个流浪汉被控以流浪罪。
- 10. Actually the spiritual vagrancy are more complex, solemn and stirring.
- 精神流浪比生活流浪更见其复杂性和悲壮性。
- 11. He resorts to literature to alleviate the pain of vagrancy and to find the internal peace.
- 他通过艺术来摆脱一生漂泊的凄苦,来寻求心灵的宁静与和谐。
- 12. So The Battler is an initiation story of an innocent child, rather than simply a vagrancy story.
- 《拳击家》并非一般的流浪故事,而是一篇关于纯真少年的成长小说。
- 13. The vagrants life a reflected lug Chinese modern novel mainly consists of two styles: physical vagrancy and mental vagrancy.
- 中国现代小说中的流浪汉流浪的方式基本有两种:生活流浪和精神流浪。
- 14. She has no lofty aspirations other than vagrancy. She thinks the simplicity of vagrant lift is the only only way that will truly save his soul.
- 其他的没有什么大的志向。她认为日子只有在走走停停的简单中心灵才能获得真正意义上的救赎。
- 15. To avoid children to go vagrancy and delinquency, the relieving institution should enhance their ability to help street children more efficiently;
- 为防止少年儿童流浪、违法,流浪儿童救助机构应提高自身的能力建设,为流浪儿童提供有效救助;
- 16. The study of the causes of the vagrancy of the wandering children and their motive mechanism is a popular focus in the study of the vagrant children as a group.
- 流浪儿童流浪的原因与动力机制是流浪儿童群体研究的一个主要领域。
- 17. Old folk back from vagrancy form an image_group in the localistic novels of the new period. Though only secondary in the stories, they have distinctive values of their own.
- 流浪归来的老者是新时期乡土小说中的一个人物形象群体,他们虽然都是小说中的次要人物,但具有独特的思想艺术价值。
- 18. Thus, it is essential for tracing back to the origin of the Old Testament to study the topic"The Big vagrancy"in the context of returning to the ancient time in modern literature.
- 突现代文学的返古思潮语境中“大流浪”主题,对《旧约》渊源的追溯显然十分必要。
- 19. Thus, it is essential for tracing back to the origin of the Old Testament to study the topic"The Big vagrancy"in the context of returning to the ancient time in modern literature.
- 突现代文学的返古思潮语境中“大流浪”主题,对《旧约》渊源的追溯显然十分必要。
- 20. be lost in a reverie; to be at a loss; 2.vagrancy
- 神思恍惚
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
- 21. drunks arrested for vagrancy
- 因游荡罪遭逮捕的喝醉的人.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
- 22. He is charged with vagrancy.
- 他曾被指控做流浪者。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 23. "A Sociolagical Analysis of the Law of Vagrancy." Social Problems. Volume 12.
- 流浪者法则社会学分析〉《社会问题》第12期。一九六四年夏季。67-77页。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 24. The tramp was arrested for vagrancy.
- 这个流浪汉因流浪而被捕。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 25. Strangers are picked up for vagrancy after three days.
- 外地人来此超过三天的一律以流浪罪加以拘捕。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. Sometimes, perhaps vagrancy has become a habit.
- 有的时候,或许流浪已经成为一种习惯。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供
- 27. I want you to book this gentleman for vagrancy, resisting arrest, carrying a concealed weapon,
- 你抓到什么了? 我要以流浪拒捕携带武器拘捕他
-- 来源 -- 电影对白
- 28. Two men were arrested and charged with vagrancy.
- 有两个人被指控犯有流浪罪而遭逮捕。
-- 来源 -- 英语晨读30分(初一) - 16 We Are Neighbours
- 29. Du Fu has authored 1,400-plus poems, over 70 percent of which were composed during his 11-year vagrancy
- 摘要杜甫一生创作了大量诗歌,今存一知四百馀首。
-- 来源 -- 网友提供