jolting 造句
- 1. You take your mind off of your current design work, jolting your brain and giving yourself a fresh surrounding to do something in.
- 你把现在的设计工作抛之脑后,晃晃脑袋,给你自己一个新环境来做某件事。
- 2. That suggests the authorities should take drastic steps to reflate the economy, jolting it out of its stupor and weakening the currency.
- 上述情况表明,政府应该采取强有力的措施刺激经济,使经济恢复活力,并且使货币贬值。
- 3. Analysts herald the toxic-asset plan as integral to jolting the recession-hit economy at a time when unemployment and jobless claims notch multi-year highs.
- 分析师认为,在失业人数与申领救济金人数均创多年新高之际,要让经济脱离衰退,剥离不良资产是个不可或缺计划.
- 4. A jolting, shaking motion rattled in his chest as he climbed the stairs.
- 当他往楼上走时,一种强烈而晃动的情绪涌上了他的心头。
- 5. Early Tuesday, an earthquake with a 6.5 magnitude struck Japan, jolting eastern and central parts of the country and rattling houses in Tokyo.
- 周二早,日本发生6.5级地震,致使西,中部地区发生震动以及大阪市的房屋发生卡塔声。
- 6. Although perhaps not as jolting as an alarm clock, a cat’s “soliciting purr” can still pry its owner from sleep.
- 尽管没有铃铃声,猫咪仍然可以用他们恳求的咕噜声叫醒梦乡中的主人。
- 7. The choppy, jolting style is striking. But not as striking, perhaps, as his animus for Isabel Lyon.
- 时断时续,跌宕起伏的写作风格的确引人注目。但,也许,始终不如他对伊莎贝尔里昂的敌意引人注目。
- 8. The response to sound stimulus occurs by reflex:the child reacts by crying, jolting or moving his eyelids.
- 声音的刺激会以反射动作来呈现︰孩子透过哭,震动或者移动他的眼睑回应。
- 9. Silk blouses are not fragile goods. They can stand a lot of jolting.
- 丝绸女衫并非易碎货物有,它们经受得住很多的震动。
- 10. But no lamp could withstand the jolting of the roads of east barsetshire .
- 可是随便什么灯也抵挡不了巴塞特郡东部大道上的颠簸。
- 11. Jaspers described the major vehicle as the "boundary experience" – a jolting, irreversible experience which shifts the individual from the everyday mode to a more authentic mode.
- 雅思帕斯将主要的途径描述为“边界体验”——一种震动的、不可逆反的体验,将个体从日常模式转变为一种更可信的模式。
- 12. Better that they had died in Atlanta than, tortured by this day of burning sun and jolting wagon, to die in the silent ruins of Tara.
- 他们还不如死在亚特兰大,何必冒着火一般的骄阳,坐在破马车里整日颠簸,跑到荒凉的塔拉废墟来送死呢?
- 13. So the Earthen Pot at last consented, and the two set out side by side, jolting along on three stubby legs first to this side, then to that, and bumping into each other at every step.
- 所以陶罐最后也答应了,他们两个肩并肩地出发了,三条粗而短的腿颠簸在路上,左摇右晃,每走一步都会撞向对方。
- 14. Improved player transitions and camera jolting when changing swimming direction.
- 改进的球员转换和颠簸时改变游泳方向的相机。
- 15. I am afraid that cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such products as computers to withstand rough handling in transit or a lot of jolting in a long-distance transport.
- 像电脑这样的产品用纸板箱包装恐怕不够结实,无法承受运输过程中的野蛮装卸或长途运输中的剧烈颠簸。
- 16. These sealed metal boxes are indeed alien, placed along significant coastlines to abort sudden and jolting plate movements.
- 这些密封的金属盒子确实是外星人在重要海岸线沿途放置的防止板块运动的突然和颠簸的装置。
- 17. Exports were down 9 percent from a year earlier in yuan –a jolting deceleration for a country where exports were still growing at an annual pace of nearly 30 percent in the summer of 2007.
- 若以人民币计算的话,十二月份的出口额较去年同期降低了9%--这对于中国来说无疑是个巨大的滑坡,就在07年夏之前,中国的出口还在以每年30%的速度增长。
- 18. Jolting ride; the jouncing guns of the battery.
- 跳动的球;颠簸的骑;大炮的后坐力。
- 19. Many Chileans have continued to stay out of their homes because of the jolting series of aftershocks, some as strong as 6.9 magnitude.
- 因为一连窜的余震,许多智利民众依然无法进入他们的家园,一些余震强度甚至达到了6.9级。
- 20. Because countries left the gold standard at different times, the exchange rate changes were large and abrupt, jolting world trade and financial markets.
- 由于不同国家在不同时期放弃了金本位制度,汇率波动对世界贸易以及金融市场带来了很大的震动。
- 21. A noise rips through the air above the field, jolting me from my melancholy reverie.
- 一个声音撕裂了战场上方的空气,把我从悲伤的思绪中惊醒。
- 22. When we live under the control of the Holy Spirit, we will show it by the way we react to the jolting trials and temptations of life.
- 只要我们活在圣灵掌管之下,在人生遭遇极大的试炼和试探时,我们的反应就能流露出真实的生命。
- 23. When we live under the control of the Holy Spirit, we will show it by the way we react to the jolting trials and temptations of life.
- 只要我们活在圣灵掌管之下,在人生遭遇极大的试炼和试探时,我们的反应就能流露出真实的生命。