vivacious 是什么意思
adj. 活泼的;快活的;有生气的
vivacious 中文词源
vivacious 活泼的
vivaciousvivacious: see victuals
vivacious 权威例句
- 1. He had three pretty, vivacious daughters.
- 他有三个活泼漂亮的女儿。
- 2. She's beautiful, vivacious, and charming.
- 她漂亮活泼,魅力十足。
- 3. The vivacious girl made a good cheer-leader.
- 这个充满活力的女孩做了啦啦队队长。
- 4. I cannot give at second hand any impression of his vivacious delivery.
- 他的叙述绘声绘色,他的原话经我一转述就要大为减色.
- 5. She was young and vivacious.
- 她年轻又活泼.
vivacious 造句
- 1. He is fond of vivacious girls.
- 他喜欢活泼的女孩。
- 2. She is an artless, vivacious girl.
- 她是一个天真活泼的女孩。
- 3. They are a generation of spirited, vivacious and entrepreneurial grannies, ripping up the rule book and eschewing steady retirement in order to launch successful businesses.
- 她们是意气风发、生性活泼,具有创业精神的奶奶辈,她们打破一切固有规则,放弃稳定的退休生活,只为成就个人创业。
- 4. And our vivacious, playful Cassis Rose fragrance just radiates bliss.
- 活泼可人的黑莓玫瑰香氛散发着无比快活的气息。
- 5. Everything here is so new to me. And everything seems to be so vivacious.
- 这里的一切对我来说都是如此的新鲜,一切似乎都充满活力。
- 6. A red-based orange, Flame, is gregarious and fun loving. Flamboyant and vivacious, this wonderfully theatrical shade adds fiery heat to the spring 2017 palette.
- 火焰红,这是一种以红色为主色调的橘色,给人以热情开放、天性乐观的感觉。炫丽如火、快活恣意的火焰红,这一奇妙夸张的颜色将会成为2017春季的爆点。
- 7. In the midst of vivacious discourse, her eyes still wandered to Caroline; there spoke in its light a deep solicitude, some trouble and some amaze .
- 在兴高采烈的谈话中,她的眼睛仍然瞟着卡罗琳,在那目光里,透露出一种深切的关怀,有点忧虑,又有点惊愕。
- 8. Holding her hand was Bhanu, with a vivacious smile and loads of baby fat.
- 挽着她的手的是脸上带着活泼微笑且有婴儿肥的布哈努。
- 9. Her eyes had remain young and vivacious .
- 她的眼睛非常年轻,炯炯有神。
- 10. The memoirs are said to contain remarkable day-to-day detail written in a vivacious style as well as numerous corrections and spelling mistakes.
- 据说,回忆录中包括一些值得注意的日常细节,写法生动活泼,还有不少修改痕迹和拼写错误。
- 11. In the same year, hemet the composer Richard Wagner whom he described as "a fabulously vivacious, fiery man" .
- 同一年,尼采遇见了作曲家理查德德·瓦格纳,并将他描述为“一个惊人地乐观与热烈的人”。
- 12. So I married a vivacious German Dutch girl the first time, then a beautiful Norwegian the second and last time around.
- 所以我第一次娶了一个活泼的德国裔荷兰女孩,第二个(也是最后一个)是美丽的挪威女孩。
- 13. Also can plant the vivacious wood of some of short sex this flowerer, for example azalea , arrive florescence can blossom, the effect is very good also.
- 也可以种些矮性的多年生木本开花植物,例如杜鹃,一到开花期便会开花,效果也很好。
- 14. Aunt Kate was more vivacious.
- 凯特姨妈活泛多了。
- 15. Thus we preserved the liberties of europe, protected the growth of its vivacious and varied society .
- 这样,我们就保住了欧洲的自由,保护了欧洲的生气勃勃和变化多端的社会的成长。
- 16. Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root.
- 茭白属于禾本科多年生宿根沼泽草本植物。
- 17. The picture has a vivacious artistic conception.
- 她是一个天真活泼的女孩。
- 18. Its vivacious flavor and aroma has luscious tropical notes with delicate undertones, guava, mango and pineapple.
- 散发着甘美的热带水果番石榴,芒果,菠萝的芬芳。
- 19. Vivacious and unclouded character, fly right, Dedication spirits and being honestly, having the compassion and responsibility, having a rough time;
- 性格活泼开朗,为人正直,敬业务实,有爱心和责任心,吃苦耐劳;
- 20. Even at the age of 75, Thelma was very vivacious and full of life.
- 即使在75的时候,西尔玛仍然过着快乐充实的生活。
- 21. Even at the age of 75, Thelma was very vivacious and full of life.
- 即使在75的时候,西尔玛仍然过着快乐充实的生活。
- 22. Her eyes had remain young and vivacious.
- 她的眼睛非常年轻,炯炯有神。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 23. The autumn air, blithe and vivacious, elated Philip.
- 秋天的空气愉快而舒畅,使菲利浦意气风发。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 24. We celebrated this occasion by a vivacious luncheon and then returned to Whitehall.
- 我们以一顿愉快的午餐来庆祝这件事,然后就回白厅去了。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 25. His action was alternatively vivacious and sullen.
- 他的举动时而轻松愉快,时而阴沉古怪。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 26. I cannot give at second hand any impression of his vivacious delivery.
- 他的叙述绘声绘色,他的原话经我一转述就要大为减色。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 27. Their manners were still more vivacious than before.
- 他们的举止也比以前更生动。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 28. In the midst of vivacious discourse, her eyes still wandered to Caroline; there spoke in its light a deep solicitude, some trouble and some amaze.
- 在兴高采烈的谈话中,她的眼睛仍然瞟着卡罗琳,在那目光里,透露出一种深切的关怀,有点忧虑,又有点惊愕。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 29. She gave a vivacious laugh.
- 她爽朗地笑了起来.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 30. Her disposition was vivacious, and she liked this self-reliant, self-sufficient, straight spoken boy.
- 她的性格很活泼,她喜欢这个独立自主、自命不凡、说话直爽的男孩子。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. Thus we preserved the liberties of Europe, protected the growth of its vivacious and varied society.
- 这样,我们就保住了欧洲的自由,保护了欧洲的生气勃勃和变化多端的社会的成长。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句