competing 造句
- 1. The Chinese look down on us as a corrupt and inefficient lot incapable of competing with them in any field.
- 中国人看不起我们,认为我们是腐败和无能的,在所有领域都没有能力与他们竞争。
- 2. Science appears to be competing with religion in offering answers to questions posed by humanity. How far has science replaced religion in this respect?
- 科学似乎在与宗教竞争向人类提出的问题提供答案。就这方面而言,科学多大程度上取代了宗教?
- 3. Since, whether competing or attracting, only the best will do, resources get piled into them, almost regardless of the consequences.
- 因为无论同类竞争还是吸引异性,都要干得出色,于是他们便努力取得这些资源,几乎不顾及后果。
- 4. Many businesses are competing against each other for this contract.
- 许多企业正在为赢得这个合同而彼此竞争。
- 5. "You could be competing against someone with three times your experience, or conversely, against someone who can do the job at half your salary level, " she says.
- “你的竞争对手可能有你三倍多的经验,或相反,他的工作能力也许只够得上你工资水平的一半。”她说。
- 6. Remember, at any given moment, you are in competition with one person and one person only – yourself. You are competing to be the best you can be.
- 要记住,在任何时候,你的竞争对手有且只有一个,那就是你自己。和自己比赛,努力成为最好的自己。
- 7. Can you address this issue of inferiority complex for those of us competing with candidates 20 years our junior?
- 你能谈谈,像我们这样与比自己小20岁的应聘者竞争的人所遇到的自卑感吗?
- 8. I think competing with myself or challenging myself continuously is what really drives me.
- 我认为,不断自我竞争和自我挑战才是真正驱使我的动力。
- 9. You are asking me and yourselves fundamental questions about values, about trying to reconcile potentially competing goods, about recognizing that it may not be possible to have it all.
- 你们都在不停地问我一些最基本的问题:关于价值、试图调和那些潜在竞争的东西、对鱼与熊掌不可兼得的认识,等等。
- 10. This team has become a symbol of striving and competing.
- 这支队伍已经成为了努力和竞争的象征; ;
- 11. We are competing aggressively with our main competitors for the biggest market share. What do you think our strengths are?
- 我们正与主要竞争对手为争夺最大市场份额而激烈竞争。你认为我们有什么优势?
- 12. European was a cluster of competing, warring nations, which meant that they were undergoing a continuous battle to get the edge in technology and tactics to outdo their opponents.
- 欧洲是竞争群居,好战国家,这就意味着他们一直都面临着不断的战争,获取新的科技技术和战术以战胜自己的对手。
- 13. I enjoyed competing against them.
- 我很享受和他们的比赛。
- 14. You will go back to your own pattern, thinking that you are all individuals, fighting, striving, competing, each trying to fulfil your own beastly little self.
- 你还会回到你自己的模式中去,以为你们都是个体,不停地斗争、奋斗、竞争,每个人都试图满足自己那渺小无比的自我。
- 15. You should do your competing clandestinely, by disguising your export volumes and prices somehow.
- 你应该设法隐瞒出口数量和价格,暗中进行竞争。
- 16. For example, if you go to an interview for a position for which thousands of people are competing with you, you are actually a leaf that matches the final flower-the final winner.
- 好比你去面试一个有上万人竞争的岗位,而这个岗位只招一个人,那么说句不好听的话,你是去当绿叶的,你是去衬最后一朵红花的。
- 17. "We can only keep winning if we can keep competing with an opponent who outspends us so massively, " she said.
- 她说:“我们的对手经费超过我们许多。我们只有与他并驾齐驱,才可以继续获胜。
- 18. So, when competing with companies like Sony or Nokia it has an inherent advantage which will help with cost.
- 所以,与索尼和诺基亚等公司的竞争时,它有一个先天优势,这将有助于降低成本。
- 19. If we in fact had the right level of investment in aeronautics, we would not currently be competing with Airbus.
- 如果我们真的在航空领域投入了足够多的资金,现在就绝不会还在与空中客车缠斗了。
- 20. Instead of competing with other billboards, this "town" will gradually be integrated into the community and become a center of community activities.
- 这种“城”不会和其他的广告牌竞争,而是将逐步融入社区,成为一个社区活动的中心。
- 21. Seven months before, at an international meet in Japan, I tore my biceps competing on the rings.
- 从那时算起七个月之前,我在日本参加一次国际比赛时在吊环上拉伤了手臂肌肉。
- 22. By cooperating and competing, the world develops day by day.
- 在合作与竞争的过程中,世界不断进步。
- 23. Secondly, we can be stronger by competing.
- 第二,通过竞争,我们能变得更强。
- 24. In Spain newly jobless builders are competing with migrants there for jobs picking fruit.
- 在西班牙,新近失业的建筑工人和移民们争抢摘水果的工作。
- 25. There is at least one harmonica player, and the harmonica plays an important role in the competing piece.
- 至少有一人吹奏口琴,口琴在比赛乐曲中必须为其中一件重要乐器,其它不限。
- 26. The programs he was competing with were written by college professors with years of experience, while he produced his in just a couple of months .
- 与他竞争的其他程序,都是具有多年专业经验的大学教授编写的,而他只花了几个月时间完成了自己的程序。
- 27. Some days, though, the clamor of multiple competing demands on our time, energy, and attention can be just too much to bear.
- 然而,有些时候,我们会面临时间、精力和注意力在多方面的竞争,因为太多而无法承受。
- 28. They decided to ballot for competing lanes.
- 他们决定抽签选择比赛跑道。
- 29. They decided to ballot for competing lanes.
- 他们决定抽签选择比赛跑道。
- 30. This aids in the avoidance of interference from other potentially competing metals.
- 这有助于防止其它有可能竞争的金属的干扰。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 31. This country is competing with other countries in trade.
- 这个国家在贸易方面正与其他国家竞争。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. Two competing effects are responsible for this difference.
- 这一差别决定了两个相互牵制的效应。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 33. Two television networks were competing for his services.
- 有两个电视联播公司争相聘用他。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 34. John was competing against James for the prize in arithmetic.
- 约翰和詹姆斯比赛争夺算术奖。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 35. They must develop a sophisticated understanding of a complex domain, balance competing priorities, and understand the limitations and opportunities associated with the technology at their disposal and the business context of the project at hand.
- 他们还必须深刻地了解产品所属的复杂的领域,必须平衡好竞争的优先次序。 必须理解所用科技的约束和机会,还要对这个项目的商业环境有清楚的认识。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. Che Guevara smoothly argued the case for their competing revolution.
- 切·格瓦拉心平气和地为他们搞的那种革命进行辨护。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 37. Railroads were not allowed to acquire competing lines.
- 不许铁路公司获得竞争路线。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 38. If you find that two items of different importance are competing for attention, it’s often a good approach to “turn down” the less important one, rather than “turn up” the more important.
- 如果你发现两个不同重要程度的元素都需要引起注意,这时最好降低相对不太重要的一个,而不要升高更为重要的那个。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 39. No other application will be competing with yours, so don’t waste space, but don’t be shy about taking what you need to do the job.
- 这时没有其他应用会和你在使用的这个独占应用相竞争,因此不要浪费空间,为了满足自己工作所需而不要畏缩。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓