quilter 是什么意思
n. 缝被子的人;绗缝附件
quilter (n.)late 13c. (late 12c. as a surname); agent noun from quilt (v.).
quilter 权威例句
- 1. A quilter sews the fabric together to form an overall design .
- 缝纫者把织物缝在一起,形成一个完整的设计样式。
quilter 造句
- 1. Mr. White, the quilter, who is 53, came to his new passion last summer after feeling he was wasting time 'waiting on freight. '
- 现年53岁的怀特是在去年夏天发现自己喜欢拼布的,此前,他感到自己在等待货物时浪费时间。
- 2. The newfound native language may have borrowed from Quechua, a language still spoken by indigenous peoples of Peru, Quilter said.
- 奎尔特称新发现的原住民语言可能借鉴了克丘亚语,一种秘鲁原住民现在仍然还在使用的语言。
- 3. While the Inca used a ten-based system, many other cultures did not: the Maya, for example, used a base of 20, according to Quilter.
- 据奎尔特说,尽管印加人使用十进制,许多其他文化并非如此:例如玛雅人就是使用20进制。
- 4. Quilter noted that, while librarians are among Google's biggest fans, they must maintain their presence and not be "reliant on the kindness of Google."
- Quilter提到,当前图书馆员是Google最大的粉丝,但他们必须保持自己的位置而不能完全“依靠Google”。
- 5. Quilter noted that, while librarians are among Google's biggest fans, they must maintain their presence and not be "reliant on the kindness of Google."
- Quilter提到,当前图书馆员是Google最大的粉丝,但他们必须保持自己的位置而不能完全“依靠Google”。