yourself 造句
- 1. Ask yourself who they are, what they are about.
- 问问你自己,他们是谁,他们在做什么。
- 2. And to create it, you have to create it for yourself.
- 为了创作它,首先你得为你自己而创作。
- 3. " and "Tell me about yourself?
- 说说有关你自己的情况?
- 4. Can you recommend yourself to me in one minute?
- 你能在一分钟内向我推荐你自己吗?
- 5. But then you should ask yourself two questions.
- 但接着你应该问问你自己两个问题。
- 6. I applaud you for being yourself.
- 做你自己,我会为你鼓掌。
- 7. When you worry, you have to tell yourself that all of this is false, what do you worry about?
- 当你烦恼的时候,你就要告诉你自己,这一切都是假的,你烦恼什么?。
- 8. You can only change yourself.
- 你只能改变你自己。
- 9. Accept yourself for all of your imperfections.
- 接受你自己所有的不完美。
- 10. In the meantime , you have to insulate yourself from his moods.
- 同时,你必须将你自己隔绝在他的情绪之外。
- 11. All you think about is yourself.
- 你所想的都是你自己。
- 12. Then you have to do the work all by yourself.
- 那么工作就全由你来做了。
- 13. You can go there yourself.
- 你自己可以去那里。
- 14. Be yourself, but be your best self.
- 做你自己,但是要做你最好的自己。
- 15. You should heal yourself of this mental conflict or malady at once.
- 你应该即刻治愈你自己的这种心理矛盾或心理病症。
- 16. Love yourself. It is the only way.
- 爱惜你自己。这是唯一的方法。
- 17. Try it yourself.
- 你自己试试。
- 18. You should feel ashamed for yourself.
- 你该替你自己感到惭愧。
- 19. This is your life, go find out for yourself.
- 生活是你的,所有事都靠你自己去探寻。
- 20. They find out your strengths and limitations and work with them to improve yourself.
- 他们找出你的实力和局限,解决问题并且提高你自己的实力。
- 21. How would you describe yourself?
- 你怎么形容你自己呢?。
- 22. Around and in yourself, and it will help you feel okay.
- 歌词大意:周围和你自己,和它将帮助你觉得还好。
- 23. Believe yourself and believe your team.
- 相信你自己,相信你的团队。
- 24. You should look at it yourself.
- 你应该亲自看看它。
- 25. Ask yourself: How would my friend/parent support me and help me in this situation?
- 问问你自己:在这种情况下,我的朋友或父母会怎么支持我和帮助我?
- 26. Why look at yourself in the mirror?
- 干嘛老对着镜子看你自己?
- 27. You are the living picture of yourself.
- 你是你自己活生生的画面。
- 28. You are the living picture of yourself.
- 你是你自己活生生的画面。
- 29. Next time you find yourself crowing about what cool interaction you’ve designed, just remember that the ultimate user interface for most purposes is no interface at all.
- 下次当你吹嘘说自己的界面有多酷时,记得用户界面的终极目标是没有界面。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 30. In response to any identified user requirement, there are typically quite a number of possible solutions. Ask yourself which of the possible solutions is most likely to:
- 面对每一个确定下来的用户需求,通常可能有多种解决方案,这时要问问自己哪个方案是最可行的。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 31. If you find yourself adding a dialog box or second view to a transient application, that’s a key sign that your design needs a review.
- 如果在设计暂时式应用程序时,你发现自己在增加一个第2视图或对话框,这就意味着你可能需要重新检查自己的设计。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 32. This is not to say that the designer shouldn’t strive to achieve both ends, but don’t fool yourself: It can’t be done very often.
- 这并不是说设计师不需要努力实现这两个目标,但不要自欺欺人,因为经常很难做到。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 33. Begin by asking yourself why the text in your list is so long.
- 首先要问你自己,列表中的文本为什么会这样长。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 34. Be sure to look at the entire, top-level framework first; don’t let yourself get distracted by the details of a particular area of the interface (although imagining what goes into each container will help you decide how to arrange elements and allocate real estate).
- 开始阶段一定要看到整体且高层次的框架,不要被界面上某个特殊区域(不过,想像一下每个容器的内容还是会帮助你决定如何组织安排各个区域)的细枝末节分散了精力。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 35. You may find yourself designing on behalf of an organization that is not necessarily a business, such as a museum, nonprofit, or school (though all organizations are increasingly run as businesses these days).
- 也许你在为一个非商业组织在设计产品,比如博物馆、非营利组织或学校(尽管当今也有越来越多的这样的组织也如同商业组织一样)。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 36. This simple principle is discussed in detail in Chapter 12. In a nutshell, interactions with a digital system should be similar in tone and helpfulness to interactions with a polite, considerate human.2 As you determine the interactions and behavior along with the functional elements and groupings, you should ask yourself: What would a helpful human do?
- 同样,将系统假想为人类来构建交互层的细节也是有效的,我们将在第12章中详细讨论这一简单的原则。 简单来说,和数字系统打交道,就如同和一位彬彬有礼并乐于助人的人打交道一样2。 当你在考虑产品交互、行为和产品的功能元素及其分类时,试想一下,如果是一位助人为乐的人,她会怎么做?
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 37. The key to orchestrating a user interaction is to take a goal-directed approach. You must ask yourself whether a particular interaction moves a person rapidly and directly to his goal.
- 让用户交互的流程和谐的关键是采用目标导向的方法,设计时你需要问问自己,是否某个特别的交互能够让用户很快地实现其目标。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
- 38. If you discover yourself making big changes to the wrong file, you use this dialog as a kind of escape valve to return things to the status quo.
- 如果发现自己对错误的文件做了大量修改,你使用对话框作为一种逃离方式,将文档返回正确的状态。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓