convinced 是什么意思
adj. 确信的;深信的
convinced 权威例句
- 1. He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case.
- 他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。
- 2. The stock market is convinced more cross-border deals will take place.
- 股市相信跨境交易会越来越多。
- 3. He was convinced that doctors and dentists knew best.
- 他确信医生和牙医最清楚该怎么做。
- 4. I am convinced that he has learned from his mistakes.
- 我深信他已从错误中吸取了教训。
- 5. She was not really convinced by this line of reasoning.
- 这样的分析论证实际上并没有让她信服。
convinced 造句
- 1. He convinced me he was right.
- 他使我相信他是正确的。
- 2. I am convinced of her innocence.
- 我坚信她是清白无辜的。
- 3. I'm convinced that she's innocent.
- 我坚信她是清白无辜的。
- 4. I'm not convinced he's on the level.
- 我不相信他是真诚的。
- 5. I am convinced that she is innocent.
- 我坚信她是清白无辜的。
- 6. I'd convinced myself (that) I was right.
- 我确信自己是正确的。
- 7. He convinced us of his fitness for the task.
- 他使我们相信他适合做这项工作。
- 8. He was convinced his phone was being tapped.
- 他确信自己的电话在被人窃听。
- 9. He was convinced that I was part of the problem.
- 他确信问题与我有关。
- 10. He was convinced of the impermanence of his work.
- 他确信其工作是暂时的。
- 11. I was convinced that he was brighter than average.
- 我确信他比一般人聪明。
- 12. The strength of his argument convinced the waverers.
- 他以有力的论据说服了那些摇摆不定的人。
- 13. The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy.
- 司机嘟哝着,深信迈克尔疯了。
- 14. I am convinced that he has learned from his mistakes.
- 我确信他已经从错误中吸取了教训。
- 15. She has convinced herself that she is possessed by the devil.
- 她确信自己被魔鬼附了身。
- 16. I'm still not totally convinced that he knows what he's doing.
- 我仍然不完全相信他明白自己在干什么。
- 17. It is unlikely that the Duke was convinced by such specious arguments.
- 公爵不太可能被这种貌似正确的理由说服。
- 18. That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.
- 在普拉茨堡的那个周末,他说服了她嫁给巴德。
- 19. He became convinced of the need for cheap editions of good quality writing.
- 他确信需要高质量作品的简装本。
- 20. I was convinced there was a dent in the hood which hadn't been there before.
- 我确信车盖上有一个以前没有的凹痕。
- 21. My parents were a bit dubious about it all at first but we soon convinced them.
- 起初我父母亲对此尚心存疑虑,但很快我们便说服了他们。
- 22. McAvoy was convinced he could control things from the inside but he lost control.
- 麦卡沃伊深信他能够从内部控制形势,可他却失去了控制。
- 23. Jennifer wasn't yet totally convinced that she'd profit from a more relaxed lifestyle.
- 珍妮弗还没有完全相信她会从更放松的生活方式中获益。
- 24. I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television.
- 我一直深信印刷媒体比电视更准确、更可靠。
- 25. Although I soon convinced him of my innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my sanity.
- 尽管我很快就使他相信我是清白的,但是他还是非常怀疑我精神是否正常。
- 26. I'm still not convinced it's fair.
- 我仍然不相信这是公平的。
- 27. Not everyone was convinced by such bombast.
- 并不是每个人都相信这种夸大其词。
- 28. Are you a hundred per cent convinced yourself?
- 你自己百分之百地相信吗?
- 29. If you buy organic, what convinced you to do so?
- 如果你买有机食品,是什么说服你去这样做?
- 30. He turned round anew, firmly convinced that he was seriously ill.
- 他又转过身来,坚信自己病得很重。