vitreous 是什么意思
adj. 玻璃的;玻璃状的;玻璃似的
vitreous 中文词源
vitreous 玻璃质的
vitreous: [17] Latin vitrum meant ‘glass’ (it may be the same word as vitrum ‘woad, plant producing blue dye’, the link being the bluishgreen colour of glass, and it might even be distantly related to English
vitreous 权威例句
- 1. The distinctive feature of vitreous opacities is their actual movement on motion of the eye.
- 玻璃体混浊的特点是跟随眼球运动而活动.
- 2. Results: The display of vitreous hemorrhage was classified into two typical sonography.
- 结果: 患眼玻璃体内表现可归纳成两种典型的超声特点.
- 3. After the repair of the corneosclera wound , artificial vitreous implantation was conducted.
- 结果:术后角膜水肿及前房炎症反应轻, 裸眼视力0.5以上19眼.
- 4. Modern wall tiles may be highly glazed and semi vitreous.
- 而现代的墙砖多采用玻璃砖或半玻璃砖.
- 5. Conclusion B - mode ultrasonography is helpful in diagnosis of vitreous hemorrhage.
- 结论B 型 超声有助于临床诊断玻璃体积血.
vitreous 造句
- 1. This is contained in the vitreous.
- 它包含在玻璃体里面。
- 2. People older than age 50 who have had the vitreous gel removed from their eye (vitrectomy) have an increased risk of cataracts.
- 50岁以上做过玻璃体切除手术(即将眼内的玻璃胶样物质取出)的人群,其患白内障的风险增加。
- 3. Vitreous hemorrhages present as hazy vision and photophobia with the perception of shadows, floaters, smoke signals, cobwebs, or lines in the visual field.
- 玻璃体出血表现为视物模糊和畏光,患者主诉视野中出现阴影,漂浮物,烟雾,蛛网或线条。
- 4. Since the vitreous has become quite watery, large floating spots of degenerative material can be easily seen.
- 因为玻璃体已经变得很潮湿,很容易看到退行性物质的大的漂浮斑。
- 5. Similar mechanical and degenerative changes occur in the vitreous.
- 玻璃体同样发生机械性和退行性变化。
- 6. It is normal that as the eye ages, the vitreous begins forming "webs" (floaters) which are "cracks" in the vitreous.
- 正常来说,随着年龄增长,玻璃体会开始形成‘网’,这其实是玻璃体的裂缝。
- 7. Pigmented cells in the anterior vitreous, vitreous hemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachment, and elevation of the retina with or without retinal break are observed.
- 另外还可观察到前玻璃体内的色素细胞,玻璃体出血,后玻璃体脱离,视网膜抬高并伴有或不伴有破口。
- 8. Bright vitreous furniture brings us the visual result with bright broadness , take us to walk out of close, dim, inanimate bedroom pattern.
- 明亮的玻璃家具带给我们阔亮的视觉效果,带我们走出封闭的、暗淡的、死气沉沉的居室格局。
- 9. Such a (vitreous) lining eliminates in most cases the expensive and cumbersome problem of debris elimination and at the same time achieves the advantage of a casing type of bore hole liner.
- 这样一个(玻璃的)衬里的消除在多数情况下(解决了)这种昂贵而难处理的岩石碎屑消除的问题同时实现了衬套式的钻孔的衬垫优势。
- 10. Objective To evaluate the effect of vitreous surgery in cases of recurrent traumatic retinal detachment and analyze the causes.
- 目的评价玻璃体手术治疗外伤性复发性视网膜脱离的效果,分析其复发的原因。
- 11. Although vitreous stage basin is beautiful, but do not suit north, because northward scale is large, leave print very easily, use impossibly swab, if be not swabbed, show especially dirty.
- 玻璃台盆虽然漂亮,但是不适合北方,因为北方的水碱大,很轻易留下印迹,不可能用一次就擦洗一次,要是不擦洗的话,特显脏。
- 12. When choosing vitreous birdbath , basically see chosen material whether accord with national requirement for toughened glass, hot coefficient of expansion.
- 挑选玻璃水盆时,主要看选用的材料是否为钢化玻璃、热膨胀系数是否符合国家的要求。
- 13. To reveal the fibrillar network in vitreous and the effect of plasmin on this network.
- 观察玻璃体胶原纤维的空间结构及纤溶酶对其空间结构的影响。
- 14. Objective:To research the relationship between the vitreous and the high IOP.
- 目的:探讨玻璃体与青光眼眼压升高的关系。
- 15. Conclusion Majority of vitreous diseases can be diagnosed definitely by CT, that can guide the clinical therapy.
- 结论CT对于大多数玻璃本病变能够做出明确诊断,指导临床治疗。
- 16. CONCLUSION: Combined trabeculectomy in the quadrant without lens dislocation and vitreous incarceration is an effective treatment for the secondary glaucoma induced by traumatic subluxation of lens.
- 结论:选择无玻璃体嵌顿象限施行复合式小梁切除术,是治疗外伤性晶状体半脱位继发青光眼的有效方法。
- 17. Vitreous chimney is full of fashionable feeling, can match already the household style of log series, also can match stylish household.
- 玻璃的灯罩则富有时尚感,既可以搭配原木系列的家居风格,也可以搭配现代风格的家居。
- 18. Asteroid hyalosis is a degenerative condition of the eye involving small white opacities in the vitreous humor.
- 星状玻璃体症是一种眼部退行性,患犬在玻璃体内存在小的白色混浊物。
- 19. ObjectiveTo explore the clinical character and laser treatment of retinal tears with vitreous hemo-(rrhage) without retinal detachment.
- 目的探讨伴玻璃体出血的无视网膜脱离视网膜裂孔的临床特征和治疗。
- 20. Vitreous detachment displays abnormal shape presented as flat posterior boundary and fluid area between vitreous and eyeball .
- 玻璃体脱离者见玻璃体形态失常,后界扁平与球壁间有液性暗区分隔。
- 21. Virescent the vitreous lavatory that grinds arenaceous translucence , look at clean, refined.
- 淡绿色磨砂半透明的玻璃洗脸盆,看着干净、雅致。
- 22. Objective To explore the correlation between retinal extracellular edema and vitreous contraction in rabbits.
- 目的探讨玻璃体收缩与视网膜细胞间水肿的相关性。
- 23. Vitreous part, its diaphaneity , ply and security… etc.
- 玻璃部份,它的透明度、厚度及安全性…等等。
- 24. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of secondary vitreous surgery in the corneal and scleral rupture associated with tractive retinal detachment.
- 目的临床观察角巩膜破裂伤合并牵引性视网膜脱离的二期玻璃体手术(玻切)治疗效果。
- 25. With the technique of vitrectomy gradually maturing , the problem of vitreous substitutes emerged by degrees, this is an evidence of unbalanced development of technology.
- 随着玻璃体手术技术日趋成熟,玻璃体替代物的问题逐渐显现出来,两者之间的矛盾就是科学技术发展不平衡的表现。
- 26. Leaf is light pink, look, the tube with vitreous simple material, resemble crystal and general chasteness .
- 花瓣是淡淡的粉色,一眼望去,玻璃材质的灯,像水晶一般纯洁。
- 27. Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of vitreous surgery in the ocular injury.
- 目的评估玻璃体手术治疗眼外伤的临床疗效。
- 28. The researchers propose that retinal hemorrhage causes the release of CA-1 into the vitreous fluid from lysed red blood cells.
- 研究人员提出视网膜出血导致CA-1从裂解的红血细胞中释放进入玻璃体液。
- 29. ResultsThe rupture of posterior capsule , broken ciliary zonule and prolapse of vitreous during surgery were mainly causes of IOL dislocation.
- 结果手术中后囊膜破裂、悬韧带离断和玻璃体脱出是人工晶状体脱位的主要原因。
- 30. O. C. The lesions were found in the conjunctiva , episclera, cornea, iris, lens, vitreous, and retina.
- 病变部位包括结膜、表巩膜、角膜、虹彩、水晶体、玻璃体、及视网膜等。
- 31. The distinctive feature of vitreous opacities is their actual movement on motion of the eye.
- 玻璃体混浊的特点是跟随眼球运动而活动。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 32. vitreous body
- (眼睛的)玻璃体
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 33. vitreous layer
- 角膜层
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 34. vitreous copper
- 辉铜矿
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 35. vitreous electricity
- 玻璃电(磨擦玻璃发生的阳电)
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 36. vitreous silver
- 辉银矿
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 37. vitreous luster
- 玻璃光泽
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 38. vitreous humour
- (眼睛的)玻璃液
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 39. vitreous china
- 玻璃瓷
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
- 40. He discovered that objects charged with vitreous electricity repel each other but attract objects charged with resinous electricity.
- 他发现,带有玻璃质电的物体彼此排斥,但与带树脂质电的物体则相吸引。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句