careerism 是什么意思
n. 野心;追求名利
careerism 权威例句
- 1. The advancement of good new ideas is hampered by the careerism of scientists.
- 新生事物的发展受到野心派科学家的阻挠。
careerism 造句
- 1. It has to do with both psychology and careerism.
- 这里有心理和职业两个方面的原因。
- 2. The careerism and money seemed only to embolden their blindness.
- 利欲熏心与金钱看上去仅仅加重了他们的盲目愚昧。
- 3. I will educate him and guide him to be a sunny, positive, happy man full of careerism.
- 我要教育他、引导他成为一个阳光、积极乐观、充满事业心的人。
- 4. You have little greed for careerism and feel contented as long as you could enjoy walking on this plain road for a moment.
- 你的野心很小,只要能在这个短暂片刻,尽兴地走在这条不起眼的道路,就心满意足。
- 5. A conventional story would have set up Roark's "selfless devotion to his art" against Keating's "grasping, selfish careerism." Rand reverses this expectation.
- 传统小说会让罗克的“无私奉献给艺术”挑战基廷“自私的追名逐利”,而兰德的故事和这种期望完全相反。
- 6. But it's terrifying to realize that this kind of cynical careerism - for that's what it is - has probably ensured that we won't do anything about climate change until catastrophe is already upon us.
- 但是正是这些职业犬儒主义者有可能让我们在气候灾难到来之前毫无作为。这是多么可怕的事情。
- 7. But it's terrifying to realize that this kind of cynical careerism - for that's what it is - has probably ensured that we won't do anything about climate change until catastrophe is already upon us.
- 但是正是这些职业犬儒主义者有可能让我们在气候灾难到来之前毫无作为。这是多么可怕的事情。