entrenched 是什么意思
adj. 根深蒂固的;确立的,不容易改的
entrenched 权威例句
- 1. Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.
- 性别歧视在我们这个社会根深蒂固。
- 2. He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism.
- 他一再批评西方教会过于世俗,消费主义观念过于顽固。
- 3. The Nationalists entrenched their power further by adding six seats to the Parliament.
- 国民党人在议会中新增了6个席位,从而进一步稳固了他们的势力.
- 4. Television seems to be firmly entrenched as the number one medium for national advertising.
- 电视看来要在全国广告媒介中牢固地占据头等位置.
- 5. If the enemy dares to attack us in these entrenched positions, we will make short work of them.
- 如果敌人胆敢进攻我们固守的阵地, 我们就消灭他们.
entrenched 造句
- 1. Now, three years later, Dr Lord was solidly entrenched at Felding-Roth.
- 现在,三年过去了,洛德博士在费尔汀--罗斯公司稳稳地站住了脚。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 2. These concepts were firmly entrenched in the mathematical formulation of classical mechanics.
- 这些概念在经典力学的数学表述中根深蒂固。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 3. The enemy was strongly entrenched upon the othr side of the river.
- 敌人在河的彼岸以坚固的壕沟防护自己。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 4. The term condensation is now firmly entrenched in the literature of polymer science.
- 缩合这个术语,现在在聚合物科学文献中已牢固的确定。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 5. The army entrenched themselves near the shore.
- 军队在海岸附近挖壕沟固守。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 6. Her position was strongly entrenched; she had managed to secure the support of the king.
- 她的地位是十分巩固;她已经设法获得了国王的声援。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 7. The enemy were entrenched beyond the hill.
- 敌人在山的那一边以壕沟防守。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 8. They entrenched themselves at once.
- 他们立刻挖壕防护自己。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 9. They entrenched themselves behind a wall of tradition.
- 他们以传统为挡箭牌来保护自己。
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
- 10. The idioms are as well known as spreadsheets—that is to say, universal—but the Mechanical-Age representations are so firmly entrenched that we rarely see software publishers deviate from it.
- 这种像电子表单一样的常见用法众所周知,即非常普遍。 但是机械时代的表现被人们那么坚定地重复着,即很少有软件商想偏离它。
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓